Best plex media server mac
Best plex media server mac

best plex media server mac best plex media server mac

See how you get on with that, hopefully will fix a good number of them for you. This may already get part of your metadata tags? If you have created collections then you will have an additional option at the top of the right (main) pane called ‘Collections’, this is in additional to the default ‘Recommended’ and ‘Library’. With films you can set them into groups, this is done by clicking the Edit option (bottom left corner of the individual item), selecting Tags from the window that opens and updating the Collection field. This will list all the potential matches Plex has come up with, it may have identified against the wrong one and can be corrected here. Via that same menu look at the Fix Match… option. Select Refresh Metadata and let it do its thing. To do that go into your Music library, then in the right (main) pane click the 3 dots (bottom right corner) on the item that is wrong. Manually refresh the metadata on individual albums that are not correctly identified. I am doing this on mine now to see what it comes up with, it does appear to be working as I can see the unmatched items updating with album covers etc. This is done from the left side menu in Plex, next to the Music library click the 3 dots icon, select Manage Library > Refresh All Metadata. Refresh the metadata for the entire library.

best plex media server mac

So, I would give the following a try and see if that helps first of all… When that has occured for me I have manually forced a refresh of metadata for that file and it has always picked up the right info second time round. I have seen, on occasion, that when I add a file to a library I do use, it does not always identify it and update straight away from the Metadata. I just assumed that was down to the files themselves and as I am not streaming music from it I have never bothered to look in more detail. I honestly don’t know how good the metadata is on those files as I have never looked, but Plex is a little inconsistent on mine. Mine are in a single Music folder and then subdivided by artist, then again by Album etc. I have approximately 95Gb of Music (all MP3s) on my NAS but I don’t really use it for streaming music files (just as a store), so am not too familiar with that side of things. What version of Server are you using, it should be v1.

Best plex media server mac